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Workshop & Round tables

Rest Connect

Overcoming Barriers to Measuring Carbon Emissions – Collaborative Roundtable

25 Jun 2024
North Gallery Room - NG 10/11
Reset Connect London 2024

You can join this session with a VIP, Start-up/Scale-up or exhibitor pass. 

In this session, we will begin by identifying and ranking the critical barriers that hinder organisations from gathering, analysing and leveraging data. We will then use this to facilitate roundtable discussions where we will work together to share ideas and practical examples of how organisations are overcoming these barriers and managing to leverage data for effective decision making that drives business performance.

Andrew Griffiths, Director of Policy and Partnerships - PlanetMark
Will Richardson, Founder - Green Element
James Shorey, Partnerships Manager - PlanetMark
Patrick Richards, Founder/Director - TerraVerde
Joanna Auburn, Founder - trace
John Whittle, Director - MyCarbon
Shana Gallagher, Net-Zero Engagement Manager - BSI Group