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Workshop & Round tables

Rest Connect

Round table: Insight for C-Suite Strategies - Performance metrics to deliver sustainability

26 Jun 2024
North Gallery Room - NG 8/9
Reset Connect London 2024

You can join this session with a VIP, Start-up/Scale-up or exhibitor pass. 

Every board, not just ‘the ESG person’,  must have a grasp of sustainability issues for an organisation to function well - so competency and metrics will be in the spotlight.

Sustainability is increasingly THE indicator for risk and opportunity. Regardless of industry there is increasing pressure for all organisations (and their ecosystems) to report on non financial disclosures and bring transparency to supply chains on environmental and social impacts.

In this session we will explore what metrics can be used to value a sustainable organisation as the global alphabet soup of ESG standardises and intensifies (CSRD, TNFD, CSDDD and green claims regulation). Many organisations are wrestling with what is material - and how to qualify claims with data?

Illana Adamson, Founder - Be Better Sustainability
Patrick Brothers, Co-Founder & Co-CEO - HolonIQ
Will Armitage, Director - Route2