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Workshop & Round tables

Rest Connect

Networking Session: Net-Zero Insights and Climate Tech Breakfast

26 Jun 2024
North Gallery Room - NG 6/7
Reset Connect London 2024

You can join this session with a VIP, Start-up/Scale-up or exhibitor pass. 

Kickstart Reset Connect Day 2 with Net-Zero Insights and Climate First!

  • What is it?

    • State of Climate Tech Presentation by Net-Zero Insights (10min) - Federico Cristoforoni (CEO of Net Zero Insights)

    • Exclusive networking event with light breakfast

  • Why Join?

    • Connect: Meet with climate tech investors and innovators

    • Share: Exchange insights and discuss the latest trends

    • Explore: Uncover new opportunities and potential collaborations

  • What to expect: 

    • A relaxed setting perfect for sparking meaningful connections and energising your conference experience

Federico Cristoforoni, Co-Founder & CEO - Net-Zero Insights