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People & Careers Hub 2024

Rest Connect

Embedding Sustainability Into Healthcare

26 Jun 2024
People & Careers Hub
Reset Connect London 2024
The climate crisis is a health crisis and demands organisations have a responsibility to their stakeholders to be at the forefront of the transition to sustainability.  
Responsibility and knowledge around sustainability impacts, risks, and opportunities must start at the board level. There are lessons for all public and private sector organisations on how to embed sustainability beyond just having a sustainability lead or team in building a resilient, future-fit organisation.

In this session, we will join the dots on climate and health with a focus on:
  • data points to measure, monitor and report (Rio data platform)
  • macro and micro issues
  • the policy changes driving change
  • filling the knowledge gap through employee engagement and board training
  • driving culture change
  • stakeholders’ engagement
Illana Adamson, Founder - Be Better Sustainability
Luke O'Brien, CCO - Rio AI
Karen Amber, Sustainability & Social Value Manager - NHS Commercial Solutions