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Reset Connect London 2024 - Main Stages

Rest Connect

Transition to A New Financial World Order

25 Jun 2024
Finance & Investment Stage
Reset Connect London 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and finance, a profound transformation is underway. The convergence of emerging global financial standards, coupled with the integration of novel metrics like nature-based disclosures alongside climate-related disclosures, is reshaping the foundations of economic systems.

This session delves into the strategic maneuvers of investors spanning public, multi-asset, private, and commercial markets as they navigate the complex and essential journey toward a Net-Zero future. 

Heather Buchanan, CEO and Co-Founder - Bankers for Net Zero
Christopher Morris, Co-Founder & Senior Partner - Sustainable Ventures
David Carlin, TCFD and Climate Risk Program Lead - UNEP-FI
Richard Manley, CSO - CPP Investments
Constance Chalchat, CSO - CIB & Global Markets - BNP Paribas