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EnergyTech Hub 2024

Rest Connect

A New Potential for Waste Heat: Power Generation from 40°C

26 Jun 2024
EnergyTech Hub
Reset Connect London 2024

Jon (CEO) and Gareth (Bus Dev) introduce the Fenton Turbine (FeTu), a machine that recovers low-grade waste heat, enabling new and commercially compelling possibilities for ultra-low-temperature power generation from 40°C and above.

With 70% of all terrestrial energy being discarded as heat, this is a profound opportunity for green power generation without the need for fuel. The zero-legacy innovation also empowers Geothermal and Solar with efficiencies of up to 60% Carnot.

This is a must see for:
Energy estate managers seeking inspirational initiatives.
Passionate investors in enabling a sustainable future (direct & crowd).

Jonathan Fenton, CEO & Founder - FeTu
Gareth Turner, Market Development Director - FeTu